
Pro 2 Erwachsene im Doppelzimmer kann jeweils nur 1 Kind bis 12 Jahre (inkl.) kostenlos übernachten.


Sie haben mehr Zimmer als Personen ausgewählt.
Bitte passen Sie Ihre Auswahl an.

Our hygienic standards (18.03.2022)

We care a lot about the health and safty of our Guests and Staff and take every precaution to prevent the risks of infection and spreading of covid-19.
To make your stay as safe as possible we completely adapt to the situation. We fullfill every Guideline to make your stay as comfortable as possible.

  • Better Cleaning and Hygiene reporting and control
  • Regular disinfection of exposed surfaces such as door handles, elevator buttons, etc. with antibacterial liquids
  • We offer disinfection dispensers in public spaces
  • We obey to the minimum distance
  • Our staff is completely vaccinated and gets regular covid-19 tested in our hotel test centre

We obey to the guidelines and recommandation of the goverment. Our Staff shows their kindness and service abilities with a smile. The guidelines due to covid are loosining up frequently, so something that has to be today, could be changed tomorrow.

We inform ourselfs daily about any changes for you, thank you for your trust.

Founded by


Max-Johannsen-Brücke 1
24537 Neumünster

OpeNing Hours Hotel

24 Hours

Opening Hours Restaurant

07:00 am – 23:00 pm

Openting hours Kitchen

07:00 am – 10:00 pm

11:30 am – 22:00 pm


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